Enjoy a relaxing Steam therapy! Build your steam room from the ground up or turn your current shower into a steam bath area. We can make your Commercial or Residential space for steam be the dream place you want it to be
The Sauna and Steam Room Center have all the right solution for your Sauna needs. We are the expert in custom sauna build, whatever the size of your space, we can provide you with a solution to fit that space. Pick from our line of prebuilt Infrared or Traditional saunas, you just have to plug them in and they are ready to go.
Due to the heat of a sauna and steam bathing, the core body temperature begins to rise. Sweat production is primarily designed to cool the body, and is composed of 99% water. However, deep sweating in a sauna or steam shower can help reduce levels of lead, copper, zinc, nickel, mercury and chemicals.
According to U.S. Army medical research (Ward Dean, M.D.), “A moderately conditioned person can easily sweat off 500 grams in a sauna in a single session, consuming nearly 300 calories in the process.” The body consumes said calories due to the acceleration of heart activity (the cardiovascular section). As heart activity increases and as these processes demand more oxygen, the body begins to convert more calories into usable energy.
Research has shown that a deeper, more relaxed sleep can result from steam & sauna use. In addition to the release of endorphins, body temperatures, which become elevated in the late evening, fall at bedtime. This slow, relaxing decline in endorphins is key in facilitating sleep. Numerous steam & sauna bathers worldwide recall the deep sleep experiences that they feel after bathing the the calming heat.
To take advantage of our specials for Commercial and Residential spaces, please contact us today to schedule your free consultation!
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